Intranet – Sacramental Records CRM Guide

Updated March 17, 2017

General Topics

  • Recipients of sacramental records DO NOT exist in the CRM outside of name fields on the sacramental record itself (i.e., they would not show up in a search of Individual records), unless they exist by virtue of being an AMS-endorsed/approved individual, an AMS donor, or otherwise. But being a recipient of a sacramental record does not result in the creation of a record of type “Individual” in the CRM.

Recording Sacraments Performed

Chaplain Sends in Record of Sacrament Performed

  • Chaplain should be directed to login to the myAMS portal (available from the button of the same name on the AMS website – to submit sacramental records.
  • Have them click the ‘Submit New Sacramental Record’ link on the left column on any page, select the type of record, and proceed through a series of screens based upon the type of record they’re submitting.
  • NOTE about chaplains and CPLC viewing sacramental records:
    • On the Sacramental Records page, Chaplains may view a list of records they have submitted that are in processing, and a separate list of records they submitted that were approved by AMS. These records stay linked with a chaplain even if he moves to a new assignments/installations or retires (though the records simultaneously remain linked to the original installation).
    • On the Sacramental Records page, CPLC’s may view any sacramental records submitted at their installation by any chaplain. Even after the chaplains are no longer at the installation, the records are still linked to the installation.

Forms Submitted Online

  • If sacramental record Status shows as ‘Pending’, they started but did not complete and submit it. It’s up to them to continue work on it.
    • At this point it does not have a sacramental record number on it
  • After they first complete the form and submit it, the status will automatically change to ‘Scanned Form Needed’. It’s still up to them to continue work on it before it’s submitted to AMS for review.
    • If the chaplain somehow had a signed copy when first completing the application (e.g. they had previously filled it out on a paper form), upon first submission the status could show as ‘Submitted’. The presence of the uploaded form or not determines whether the status changes to ‘Scanned Form Needed’ or ‘Submitted’.
  • Assuming this wasn’t already completed, the chaplain then prints it out, signs, scans, uploads, and when the upload is completed and the application is submitted the status is automatically changed to ‘Submitted to AMS’
  • Skip to the “Ensure Accuracy…” section, below

Forms Submitted by paper/fax/email

  • Forms completed by hand are either mailed, scanned + emailed, or faxed, and then AMS enters them in manually.
  • Search to ensure the record does not already exist in the CRM
  • Assuming it does not exist, create a new record. A few notes about some fields that you’ll want to complete when entering a sacramental record by hand:
    • ‘Record Type’: must be selected to indicate it’s a baptism, marriage, etc.
    • Sacramental Record Number: leave this blank (unless a previously approved record – e.g., from microfilm – is being entered). Typically, this number is filled in automatically by the system when the status is changed to ‘Approved’
    • ‘Status’: enter as ‘Scanned Form Needed’ (assuming the scanned form is still pending upload) or ‘Waiting on AMS’ (if you uploaded the scanned form and it is ready for Ruth to review it)
    • Sacrament date: this is the date the sacrament was performed and is required
    • Installation: fill in the name of the installation in the text field. ALSO, choose the Installation in the lookup field of the same name.
      • Ask Chancery to create a new installation if necessary.
    • Minister first name, middle name, last name: enter these text fields, in addition to doing the lookup of Minister in the field of the same name
      • The text fields are present so the name never changes (even if the priest’s name changes for some reason).
      • The lookup field is used so the record is definitively associated with that priest in a way that it can be viewed “by priest” on the portal.
        • Ask Chancery to create a new minister record if needed, though they should already be in the system if they’re AMS clergy
    • Individual First, Middle, and Last Names: recipient’s first and last name are required.
    • Certifier Name, Address, and Email are required
      • If email is not available, enter “”
      • If address is not available, enter “N/A”
    • Date Submitted: enter today’s date
    • ‘Internal Comments’ are visible to AMS only.
      • ‘Priest/Deacon Remarks or Notes’ include notes provided on the record submission form, so it is not used when entering a record manually
    • ‘Sacramental Notations’ is a different field from both of these and are only used with baptism and marriage records. This is what shows up on the certificate.
      • ‘No prescribed notation’ is entered by default
    • Skip to ‘Scan and Upload Attachment’, below
  • For existing records being pulled from microfilm or any other historical print document source:
    • Create a new sacramental record:
      • IMPORTANT: Check the box saying ‘Has Existing Sacramental Record Number’, and enter the record number in the appropriate field.
      • Complete additional fields as described in the section immediately above
      • Change status to ‘Scanned Form Needed’

Scan and Upload Attachment

  • Scan and upload an attachment of the original print material the information is being pulled from – i.e. the printout from microfilm, or the paper form submitted by the priest
  • Change status to ‘Waiting on AMS’
  • ‘Waiting on AMS’ sends it to Ruth for final review
  • Skip to ‘Final Review’, below

Ensure Accuracy of Submitted Information

  • View the appropriate queue in the Sacramental Records tab – i.e., baptism, marriage, other
  • View the appropriate record
    • If the ‘Correction to an Already Filed Record’ box is checked, you will find the previously entered record, compare the information on the two records to make sure the new record has all of the data it needs, and then delete the old record.
    • If only a notation is being added or changed, make the edit in Sacramental Notation and change the record status to ‘Waiting on AMS’
    • If the record is related to another AMS sacramental record – e.g. Baptism or Reception into Full Communion
      • Make the sure the record number provided is correct, and if not then correct it
      • In the ‘Related Sacramental Record’ list, create a link to the record of Baptism or Reception into Full Communion
    • For submissions that are complete but still need a valid scanned copy of the submission:
      • Mark status as ‘Scanned Form Needed’
    • Submissions that are missing some needed information:
      • Change Status to ‘Sent Back for Correction’
      • Email the person who submitted it indicating which fields need an edit
        • It’s an option (albeit a cumbersome one) to print the record/attachment, highlight fields needing an edit, and scan and email it to the person who submitted it
      • The chaplain corrects the error(s) and submits it again, and the status will once again appear as ‘Submitted to AMS’ and will go back through the process above
    • When the record is accurate, and the corresponding scanned form is attached, change status to ‘Waiting on AMS’
      • This is also the appropriate time to update a notation on a related record
      • Make the edit in the Sacramental Notation field and change the record status to ‘Waiting on AMS’

Final Review

  • Ruth reviews those records with status ‘Waiting on AMS’. A view of all records awaiting approval is available and is named ‘Sac Rec Waiting on Ruth’. All records with status ‘Waiting on AMS’ are ready for final review/approval.
  • At the bottom of the record, click the ‘Approve’ link.
  • On the following screen enter comments (if desired – they’re only visible internally), click ‘Approved’ or ‘Rejected’.
    • Back on the sacramental record, ‘Status’ will change to ‘Approved’ (or ‘Rejected’), and the ‘Date Approved/Rejected’ will fill in automatically.
    • ‘Rejected’ is a status that would be used if something was submitted but does not belong as an AMS sacramental record, or perhaps if a record was partially entered but never completed.
  • Search for the recipient and check the ‘Has Sacramental Record’ checkbox
  • Note: The record is not officially a Sacramental Record until status is changed to ‘Approved’, at which point it is given a sacramental record number.

Requesting Sacramental Record Certificates

Individuals including a sacramental record recipient, their parent (for a minor), or chaplains or tribunals may request copies of sacramental certificates, which show the dates and types of sacraments an individual has received and include comments/notations as well.

Individual Requests Copy

  • An individual requests a sacramental record certificate at and an email goes to Tom.
    • A downloadable spreadsheet of requests is available from AMS’s webmaster and is an authoritative list of every request that has been submitted. So if email is temporarily down, this can be referenced as needed.
  • A donation to offset administrative fees is requested on the website
    • If a donation is made, it is flagged as accompanying a sacramental record request
    • The SR Office can see if a donation was made by asking Advancement Office

Locate Record

  • AMS searches for the record in the database
    • If the record is not in the database, AMS searches the microfilm archives (i.e., most records before 1987)
    • If it is not in the archives, AMS:
      • figures out what other (arch)diocese/parish has the record and refers the requestor
      • gets the necessary proof that it should be an AMS sacramental record, in order to create a new record and generate a certificate

Print a certificate

  • Find the record you want to print.
  • Update the recipient and address information in the Certificate section (note that the field on the right shows how the fields you complete on the left column will appear on the label).
  • If the record requires any other edits, whether to notations or otherwise:
    • change the status of the record to ‘Waiting on AMS’
    • make the needed corrections
    • enter brief notes about your changes in the ‘Internal Comments’ field
    • Wait for Ruth’s approval of the changes, and then you can proceed to print the certificate
  • Click ‘Create Certificate’
  • Choose the appropriate certificate from the list and click ‘Next’
  • Click ‘Enable’ by Activity Logging and enter a subject (“awaiting signature 3/10/17”), check ‘enable’ by Update Fields, and click ‘Merge and Download’
  • Open the newly created document and paste in the address the certificate is being sent to
  • Print the certificate
  • Edit the Activity that’s created, and in the Comments field enter comments such as ‘address mailed to: …’ or ‘also faxed to…’
  • Sign printed certificate and imprint with the seal
  • Mail print copy, and if necessary scan and email
  • Open the record for each certificate mailed on a given day, find the appropriate record in Activity History, and change the subject line to indicate the date the certificate was mailed (e.g. ‘mailed 3/11/17’)

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